Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JOOS Cleanse - Transitioning off

Well, I'm supposed to be transitioning off the cleanse, but I am really feeling so much more energetic and grounded on it so I've deciding to stick with it, albeit in a modified way.

Yesterday my children had brown rice pasta with ghee and mozzarella goat cheese for lunch and I had about 1/2 bowl. Granted, ghee doesn't contain casein, the "bad" protein in milk and the molecular composition of goat cheese is more similar to that of human milk (unlike cow milk) so, it really wasn't a big divergence from the cleanse.

In the afternoon, though, I really wanted my JOOS. When I'm feeling sad, anxious, tired, angry..essentially any range of emotion...drinking JOOS makes me feeling that I'm doing the best possible thing I can for my body and my mind.

For all of you new cleansers, please let me know if you have any questions. I realize that it isn't easy leaving a post here, but I would love to hear your comments and questions.

To Your Health!

1 comment:

Gergana said...

I love JOOS