Wednesday, April 14, 2010

JOOS Cleanse - Day 9 - Too Many Pulpcakes, but so good!!

I was just listening in my car to a lecture by Ann Marie Colbin, PhD, author to The Whole-Food Guide to Strong Bones. She was saying that studies are out that show that the whole food has more health benefits than the sum of the parts.

I always thought it was weird that food companies put individual ingredients in foods, like adding Omega 3 to cookies. This is a great marketing ploy to make us believe that we were consuming some new "super" ingredient while eating our favorite junk. By the way, there is no junk food - there is either food or junk!

There is no substitute for the real thing. Nature intended us to eat whole foods. Why do we believe that processed, refined and fortified foods can actually be nutritious?

So on Day 9, I consumed my JOOS in the morning with 2 Pulpcakes.

At lunch I had quinoa with organic frozen veggies that I warmed with mustard, balsamic and olive oil. Remember, quinoa is actually a seed and a complete protein like animal meat. Then I snuck in another Pulpcake.

Mid-afternoon I consumed my second JOOS so by dinner I wasn't very hungry, although, I not full enough to eat yet another Pulpcake.

I confess that I broke my rule of two Pulpcakes a day.


Anonymous said...

Why is there a rule about how many pulpcakes to have in a day? I haven't had one yet--looking forward to trying them! :)

Lauri said...

Hi Nicole,
The reason is because Pulpcakes are so full of fiber and many of us aren't used to eating so much fiber. For some of us, this can lead to bloating. The system will eventually become accustomed to it, but there could be an adjustment period.

Btw, by accident I left a bag of Pulpcakes on my kitchen table yesterday and one of my dogs ate them. Wasn't a pretty site when I took him for a walk this morning.

Thanks for your post.


dd said...

I LOVE Anne Marie Colbin's wisdom! She is a hero for our time. I was happy to study at her school and be a part of the volunteer program years ago in NYC! good to meet here, Denise D.

Lauri said...

Hi Denise,
Thanks for your post. I'm in the process of listening to her lecture the third time and just ordered her books. I agree with you about her wisdon, and what a unique experience having volunteered with her. I just went through complexity theory - makes so much sense about eating whole foods vs. the sum of the parts. I look forward to learning more about her teachings.
To Your Health!

Anonymous said...

Great info.Thanks for sharing