Friday, April 16, 2010

JOOS Cleanse - Day 11 - Positive Mood Shifts on JOOS

We encounter similar types of stressful situations each day, but what changes is our attitude toward them. For example, before I did the cleanse, I still had to drive my kids in what felt like a million directions. I would come home absolutely exhausted and tense. On the cleanse, I don't feel that type of tension. The opposite, since I feel so much more relaxed, I can actually give more of me to my family and friends. Funny how that works.

Michael, our Director of Operations, asked me this morning if JOOS can actually help depression. I've seen numerous people have mood shifts when they're on JOOS and it's logical that they would, since they're pumping the highest quality nutrients into their bodies.

Why is it that many of us do not link moods to nutrition? They are absolutely tied together. An increasing number of studies are proving this.

So Day 11
Right after I left the commissary, I did an early morning yoga class. Right after that, I consumed a JOOS. WOW!

Lunch - I warmed up a small amount of lentils and frozen organic veggies with my balsamic/mustard/olive oil sauce. Not sick of it yet, but I'm sure I will be soon.

Mid-afternoon - JOOS and Trader Joes Roasted Seaweed (Fia teased me how hooked I am on that.)

Dinner - 1/4 of a Boca Burger that one of my kids was eating and a big bowl of organic veggies with my sauce.

Then I snuggled into bed with William to read The Lightening Thief. Thank you Sandy Clancy and my doctor, Dr. John Bordiuk, for recommending that I read it to my son.

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