Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Stab at Transitioning off the JOOS Cleanse

I have to admit that without the discipline of the JOOS Cleanse, it is tempting to diverge, especially when I'm tired or stressed. What I do is keep reminding myself how energetic and light I felt while I was on the JOOS Cleanse and how much I want to maintain that feeling.

When I was growing up and made hasty decisions (guess I'm still growing up), my mother would remind me of the candy bar theory - tastes great in the short term, but you feel horribly in the long term.

I remember reading a study that said that you could tell if a young child would be successful later in life if they knew how to relay gratification.

These are the same principles that apply to maintaining healthy habits - and noticed how I wrote HABITS - NOT a diet!

Btw, it is not easy to post on my blog so I WOULD LOVE to hear your comments.



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