Monday, April 19, 2010

JOOS Cleanse - Day 14 - The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts!

In this week's JOOS newsletter, I discussed how whole food are more nutritious than the sum of the parts. Eating whole wheat bread, for example, is not a whole food. It has been processed. The more WHOLE foods we eat, the more nutritious they are, which tends to make us healthier.

Of course you can get too much whole foods, like I did yesterday when I ate too many figs. Figs are my weakness. All I'm going to say on this subject is that I'm grateful the bathroom was vacant when I arrived at yoga this morning. For anyone suffering from constipation, figs can be a cure.

So yesterday, in addition to eating too many figs, I ate 2 bananas for breakfast, 2 handfuls of raw nut mix from Trader Joes for lunch and a salad and mixed veggies with a glass of wine for dinner. I went to a restaurant and didn't have any temptation to eat the bread. That's what the cleanse accomplishes: eliminating, or at least reducing, temptations.

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