Wednesday, September 22, 2010

cleanse day 3 - Amy

For me, doing the JOOS cleanse forces me to be mindful of everything I put into my mouth. I am constantly telling my kids to "make the right food choices" and I am now thinking about that motto all day. I have also realized how food obsessed I am - I am always thinking about my next meal! Doing the cleanse is very easy and I may even be eating more than usual in some cases! Today I had a JOOS for breakfast and lunch. I snacked on dried figs, an apple and some Mary's Crackers, tomatoes and red peppers and hummos. Red peppers and chickpeas are a power snack - the vitamin C in the peppers helps release the iron in the chickpeas into the blood cells. For dinner I ate grilled asparagus, zuccini and eggplant over brown rice. I ate a few raspberries for dessert. Lots of delicious food, and I feel great.


donna star said...

Amy, you are inspirational. I am following your cleanse daily as I too am food obsessed.

Meghan@travelwinedine said...

I struggle with anemia, and I didn't know that about the hummus! That is great to know and something that I will adopt.