Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Power of JOOS!

This morning our entire JOOSing team was not in the best spirits. Some of the team had spent the entire day yesterday schlepping produce from one town that didn't have a water contamination issue, washing the produce there, and then returning it to Belmont. We had purchased gallons of bottled water admittedly at a considerable expense and, frankly, it wasn't the most fun we've ever had straining the JOOS, washing with bottled water, etc.

There is a reason why I'm writing this. Michael, our Director of JOOS Operations, who had to manage all this, was understandably in a grumpy mood at 3:00 am when he arrived at the commissary. One of his responsibilities is to sample every single batch of JOOS. Today it seemed to me that he was over-pouring his samples. By 5:30 am, he was down right giddy, almost drunk, from drinking so much JOOS. He had all of us laughing so hard with his jokes and wise-cracks. I said, "did you ever think that consuming the healthiest beverage/food had the power to change your mood?"

I've had this same experience several times. In fact, I look forward to Mondays when I haven't JOOSed for the weekend. That's how acutely I can feel when I haven't been sufficiently nourished.

So, please join us in the power of JOOS and let me know if you have any questions.

To Your Health!

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