Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let the JOOS Cleanse help you clean your life of chaos

Sasha is feeling so much better in the mornings. When I worked from home, the house was in chaos. Notice how I wrote house instead of home? The children woke up irritable. It was nearly impossible to establish a routine. Life in the mornings, shall I say, was not very pleasant.

Now that I'm working out of the house, we have a home. The children wake up happy and energetic. They arrive early to school. Life is, over all, so much more satisfying.

When our lives fall into chaos, we do almost everything scattered from making hapharzard decisions, over scheduling ourselves, mixing up priorities, and eating poorly.

The goal of the JOOS Cleanse is to bring your life in sync so that you become balanced and in control. Every day we are revamping our program so that we can improve our service to you.

People come up to me daily and ask how I do it with four children and a thriving business. I wouldn't be able to without JOOS!

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