Monday, April 5, 2010

JOOS Cleanse Day 1

As I write, I admit that I'm tired. Going to bed at 12:30am last night, since I had to catch up on work emails and triple check the delivery spread sheet and then up at 3:45 am to go to our commissary definitely takes it's toll on my energy level. I'm the JOOS taste tester - or you can say the King's (and Queen's)taster - so I consumed plenty of JOOS.

After leaving the commissary, I attended a power yoga class at 9:30am where I sweat profusely and definitely did not hydrate enough because I had to run off to a meeting right after the class and then an interview. Since the meetings were back to back, I didn't have time to eat or drink and I broke my cardinal rule of taking a water bottle around with me, particularly when I'm on a cleanse.

By the time I picked up my oldest daughter at school at 2:45pm, I was already feeling the first effects of dragging. I ran and picked up my 3 other children at their school and, as soon as I came home, had a cool, refreshing and delicious Anti-Oxidant Blast JOOS! Yummy! The shot of concentrated nutrients sustained me for a couple of hours. By 5:00, after taking 4 kids to activities in every direction, I slipped into Trader Joes to purchase raw nuts, hummus, roasted seaweed snack (delicious, nutritious and only $0.99), grapefruits and bananas.

When I came home, I cooked rice in the rice cooker for tomorrow and made a huge pot of mung beans with turmeric, Himalayan pink crystal salt and other ayurvedic spices. I grabbed a handful of nuts, some pieces of seaweed, a handful of raisins and a banana - breaking another cardinal rule of sitting down, chewing my food and eating peacefully because I had to run out for another round of child pick ups in multiple directions.

In the evening, at 7:30pm before running out to pick up one of my daughters at gymnastics, I had a mug of warm unsweetened almond milk mixed with raw, unsweetened chocolate, ayurvedic spices and some honey. I finally had time to take a very deep breath at 9.

Day 1 completed and in bed by 9:30pm. Goodnight!


Unknown said...

Hi Lauri, I'd love the recipe of the warm almond milk? Sounds like the perfect ending to a hectic day.

Anonymous said...

Should be interesting to follow your 21 day quest.