Monday, April 12, 2010

JOOS Cleanse - Day 8 - Feeling happy, but almost purchased the M&Ms

A few weeks ago, I saw Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project, speak. She said that women named making their beds in the morning as something that makes them feel happy. I could see the point, but just making a bed? Well today I spent hours shifting threw my pile of papers and filing them in appropriate places, mostly the bin. Tonight I feel so much lighter and "happy."

This is exactly what happens on the JOOS Cleanse. It's a way to clean out your closets, i.e., your system - organs and all, so that you feel "happy."

Today I almost blew it. I was in Staples and I almost reached for the M&Ms. M&Ms are such a nostalgic candy for me. I don't like candy bars, but M&Ms... Someone who worked for Mars, the company who owns M&Ms, told me that the company adds a special ingredient to make people feel hungry for more M&Ms. I believe it.

Anyway, since I'm on the cleanse and exercising more restraint, I took a moment to think about why I thought about purchasing the M&Ms. I realized that, in actuality, I was very thirsty. As soon as I drank water, my desire for the M&Ms vanished.

So today, I had JOOS at our commissary. Mid-morning, I still wasn't hungry, but our baker just baked the Pulpcakes and I couldn't resist. They smelled soooo good. So I had two. That's probably why I felt so dehydrated later in the afternoon when I almost purchased the M&Ms.

By mid-afternoon, I had a half grapefruit and JOOS.

By night, I had a handful of raw nuts.

Yes, I do need to eat more veggies, but I find that I run around so much throughout the day that I barely have time. I know you all can relate!

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