Lately, many people are telling me that they're feeling cold and constipated. When I ask what they eat, they often include on their list whole wheat crackers and salads. "Aren't these healthy?" they ask me. This isn't such a straightforward answer. For some of us with larger constitutions, this may be OK, but for the smaller types, you especially need warm foods this time of year like soups and stews. See what happens when you increase your good fat and protein consumption.
Here's a story that happened to me. I love salads. During December, I was eating a lot of salads. I was constantly cold and even gained weight. Now I switched over to almost all cooked food, with the exception, of course, of my JOOS, and I've lost weight and feel warmer.
Counter-intuitive? Perhaps in our society, but think again and you will hopefully see how logical this is. For more info on seasonal eating, please contact me.
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