Organic produce can be expensive, so I invite you to take a practical look at which foods you should really think about purchasing organic, including:
"Dirty Dozen" (starting with the worst)
* apples
* sweet bell peppers
* celery
* nectarines
* strawberries
* cherries
* pears
* grapes (imported)
* spinach
* lettuce
* potatoes
Here are foods that you don’t need to buy organic, the "Cleanest 12" (starting with the best):
* onions
* avocados
* sweet corn (frozen)
* pineapples
* mangoes
* asparagus
* sweet peas (frozen)
* kiwi fruit
* bananas
* cabbage
* broccoli
* papaya
Incidentally, when you’re purchasing produce, organic produce is assigned a five-digit "9" and conventional or non-organic produce typically start with a five-digit “4” so a non-organic apple would be marked "4455."
There are also non dairy products that really should be organic, like milk and meat, but I’ll get into that later.
Source: http://www.ewg.org
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