So, you really want to boost your metabolism and lose weight? Here's a simple breathing exercise that could accomplish just that!
Have you ever noticed when a baby breathes, his/her stomach naturally extends on the inhale and contracts on the exhale. This is called diaphragmatic breathing and it’s how we’re all supposed to be breathing with every breath we take. Try this: Put your hand on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Your diaphragm should extend (expand). Then take a deep exhale and your diaphragm should contract (move in). Do not open your mouth through the whole breath. Studies have shown that runners have literally taken a minute per mile off their time and weight lifters have lifted more weight just from doing this type of breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing will help relieve stress, tiredness, depression and boost your metabolism. Practice doing it all day long when you’re driving, at your desk, walking your kids to school, everywhere! Notice the difference this simple but powerful exercise will make in your life.
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