Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 1 in the books

Dan here...
So Day one of the Reboot is a thing of the past. I felt pretty good for the most part yesterday, however, last night I could have literally eaten my own leg (but of meat!). My hunger was most likely out of habit more than anything else but nonetheless, I ended up having some veg & hummos to avoid going absolutely crazy. I woke up this morning feeling quite good. I had more more energy than usual (anyone with young children knows what kind of energy you have first thing in the morning!) and I attribute it to not having a large meal close to bedtime and giving my system the optimal recovery time during the night. I have met many people who have done "fasts" where they go for extended periods of time without eating as a way of cleansing the body...while this act of starvation ranks up there on my list of things that I have zero interest in doing (along with running a marathon, knitting and wearing a Yankees hat), I do believe that occasionally not eating food between the hours of 6pm and 6am gives your body a 12 hour fast and allows it to do it's thing...setting you up for optimal performance the following day. More to come

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