Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boost your metabolism

In keeping with our theme to boost our metabolism and relieve stress and tiredness, I invite you to do just 10 minutes of cardio every morning when you wake up using the diaphragmatic breathing we discussed in last week’s newsletter. Exercising in the morning stimulates your metabolism and the diaphragmatic breathing enables you to exercise more efficiently; therefore, you’re actually getting more from your work out.

Here is a brief review of diaphragmatic breathing: Put your hand on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Your diaphragm should extend (expand). Then take a deep exhale and your diaphragm should contract (move in). Do not open your mouth. The 10-minute exercise could involve a brisk walk, rebounder, exercise bike, elliptical, anything to get your heart moving.

Make sure to try this at least once a day and let us know how you feel after a week.

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