Week 1 of the JOOS Reboot has come to an end and I am still alive. In fact, very alive! Tons of energy, enjoying the fresh JOOS first thing in the morning as a great way to jumpstart the day (it's much easier than eating 2 pounds of fruits and veggies first thing in the morning!). The energy that I have can only be described as "grounded" and "sustained". Very few fluctuations throughout the day and when I get into bed at night....i'm out. I'm not sure if this is related to the lack of caffeine but I must imagine this has something to do with it. I weened myself off the java to avoid headaches and now I am going without it. Of all the things that I had to part with for the reboot...coffee is the hardest. Interestingly enough...it is more of the tradition of having coffee that I miss more than the "kick" it gives me. So now, as I sit in a coffee shop writing this blog, I am doing so with an iced passion tea rather than a coffee...tasty, but not the same. I don't want to talk about it anymore or I'll cave-in.
I have received several questions from friends and family about the Reboot so I will use this space to answer some of them.
Nate in Boston wrote:
"To do the cleanse, you have to go somewhere every few days to buy the JOOS?" and "What are you eating for lunch while on the reboot?"
Thanks for the questions Nate. I signed up for the JOOS Reboot on www.drinkjoos.com and selected the "depot" that I wanted my JOOS delivered to . I pick mine up at The Body Workshop in Dedham which is the most convenient depot to where I live. On pickup mornings (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) I pop over to TBW to grab my JOOS, exchange a "good-morning" with Frank (great dude who owns TBW) and set off with enough JOOS to last until my next pickup day. The payment however, does not take place at the depot locations, rather it takes place when I place the order on the website. The second part of your question regarding Lunch....For the most part, lunch consists of a grain like brown rice or quinoa (pronounced keen-wah, a delicious high protein grain and is loaded with calcium and other key nutrients), veggies and beans. I'm not a huge fan of tofu but I have used it sparingly. I have found that most ethnic restaurants offer several selections: Thai, Mediterranean, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and Italian are all great options. This time of year is great for the Reboot because there is an abundance of fresh, local produce. We get ours from www.whitebarnfarm.org which is a small 4+ acre farm run by friends of ours Chris and Christy. If you are ever near Wrentham on a Tues, Wed, Fri or Sat...it's well worth stopping by their roadside stand.
Rory in New York wrote: "How does the JOOS taste" and "anything scary happening in the bathroom?"
Thanks Rory- thanks for getting right at the good stuff. For me, the JOOS tastes great. My wife got me into juicing our own fruit and veg. about 3 or 4 years ago so I am used to the non-sweetened, non-industrialized, non-full of crapizized (my own word) taste of fresh juice. For some reason, the JOOS just tastes better than ours (and is much easier to clean up!). When the Reboot starts, the joos' start out sweeter (because they contain apple). As your body begins to adjust to being without excess sugar while on the Reboot, the amount of apple is decreased because you no longer desire such a sweet taste. By the middle to end of the cleanse, you are drinking JOOS that contains no apple and more green leafy vegetables (quite possibly one of the healthiest foods on earth). The amazing thing Rory is that I have met so many people who told me that before they start the reboot they could barely stand to take a sip of JOOS yet by the end of 3 weeks, they were physically craving it. It is pretty amazing how the human body responds when you treat it well.
The second part of your question made me laugh but it is a very valid question and probably one of the best indicators for me as to how this is working. I'll do my best to address this accurately while offending as few people as possible. The Reboot is a total body cleanse and not a colon cleanse....with that said, there have not been any total "blowouts" if you will (a welcomed relief for me as I have known several people who have done the colon cleanses and couldn't be more than 5 feet from a bathroom). I am in the "office" 1x a day and it is a casual affair that takes place first thing when I wake up (as apposed to having to be coaxed with a couple sips of coffee as in the past). Lastly, I would mention that there has been virtually no odor....almost as mind blowing to me as the fax machine.
more Q&A soon...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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