I was so very much looking to starting my JOOS Cleanse today, but many other people had the same idea and one of them forgot to place their order last night so I ended up giving her my JOOS. At least there was one extra for me. After a long, fun, crazy vacation week, the first thing I wanted to get back on my busy schedule was my JOOS.
Despite being short one JOOS, it felt great to get back on the JOOS Cleanse schedule. For lunch, my meal with Trader Joe's Rice and Bean chips with Masala Lentil Dip.
I met a friend at Cafe L'aroma at 15 Spencer Street, West Newton, for tea, my favorite: green cardamon tea mixed with cinnamon and hot apple cider. Just thinking about it, I wish I could have another. Will have to wait until tomorrow.
For dinner, now that I have six kids for the month of January, I made them a delicious tomato soup, sneaking in herbs that are so good for them like ashwagandha, turmeric, cardamon and ginger, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts with a mustard butter sauce (although instead of butter, I used ghee) and Boca chicken patties. I had the brussel sprouts. Please let me know if you want recipes to these super easy to make meals.
I have to say that dinner time was hysterical tonight. Anyone would have loved to be a fly on the wall. There are two South Korean boys who came very late last night. They were so jet lagged today that they were literally walking into walls. They had never used a knife and fork so at dinner time, my kids had to display perfect table manners to show these boys how to eat properly. That was a joke in itself. The boys barely speak English. William, my 8-year-old, couldn't figure out how someone couldn't speak such an easy language. So glad he's getting this exposure.
The boys are attending a Catholic school here and, of course, the first words my kids teach them is "oy vey."
Tonight I am relaxing as I write with a healthy hot cocoa by JOOS, completely acceptable on the cleanse. It is made with special healing herbs and that stimulate the metabolism, relax you and give you more clarity of mind. I heat up almond milk, add the hot cocoa mix and some honey. When I'm not cleansing, I add ghee (clarified butter). Absolutely delicious and satiating. We're starting to give it out as samples for anyone who wants to try it.
Looking forward to Day 2!
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