What's a big way to help prevent disease? Reduce inflammation!
Inflammation has a positive role in our body to fight against injury or infection, but if inflammation moves outside a contained area, it causes cells to multiply, which can result in tissue damage, obesity and disease.
Unfortunately, this unhealthy inflammation is rampant in our society because we eat too much acidic food (e.g., processed foods, animal proteins, coffee, to name a few), we eat too quickly, we eat too much, and we're stressed. This causes acid buildup in the body, which promotes inflammation, includsive of our waistline.
Here are ways to reduce it:
1. 70% of your diet should consist of alkaline foods - that is, vegetables, which you can get in abundance through drinking JOOS.
2. Reduce stress, whether by developing a regular yoga practice, meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, going out for a long run or having a satisfying workout.
3. Get ample sleep.
4. Follow the 90/10 rule of 90% whole foods and 10% whatever you like.
5. Consume greater amounts of anti-inflammatory foods like ginger and turmeric, which are both in your JOOS. Do you know that in India, where there is a high amount of turmeric consumption, there is one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer's in the world.
6. Consume high quality, oily fish like salmon or sardines or take a high quality fish oil, which is high in Omega 3. JOOS sells New Chapter's Wholemega, one of the best on the market at one of the lowest prices anywhere. If you don't eat fish, try flax seed oil or eat raw walnuts.
Please feel free to contact me with questions.
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