Sunday, November 1, 2009

Questioning the Health Benefits of Agave

I read an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal the other day. It talked about agave syrup and the skepticism doctors have about the product. Before I comment, read the article for yourself:

Agave Syrup May Not Be So Simple

So what do you think? Confusing? It sure is. Well let me tell you I used to use a lot of agave and literally bought it by the cases. Maybe I was over doing it, but every time I had it, I felt like it was rotting my gums and it gave me a very heavy feeling in my stomach. After that, I started reading articles, similar to this WSJ article, that were critical of agave. For me -- I don't use agave syrup anymore, but instead use honey and sometimes organic turbinado raw sugar. I feel better using those "sweeteners." For you, just remember, everything in moderation and if you are using something that just does not make you feel right -- switch -- there are lots of alternatives out there. Just ask!

With this JOOS blog, I hope that we can share stories and recipes, and also ask questions of each other. We all have a lot to share! What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read this, too. I think that it's a question of moderation, too. The serving size for agave is very small--a little is supposed to go a long way. And it sounds like some of the agave was "laced" with HFCS? I would hope none of what they sell at WF! I also find that if I have too much, I may as well have had processed sugar. But, a little bit seems ok.