Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Letter From Lauri: How much variety of foods do you eat?

"You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."
- Albert Einstein

Dear Readers,

I invite you to take a moment and think about your diet. How much variety of foods do you eat? Do you find yourself eating the same foods? One of the biggest goals of JOOS is to introduce you continually to new types of produce. Why? Because each fruit and vegetable offers its own unique set of nutrients.

We take medicines to cure us of physical and psychological illnesses, but almost all the remedies are found in produce. An added benefit is fruits and vegetables don’t contain the toxicity that the medicines do.

Another big benefit is that more fruits and vegetables you consume, the healthier your diet will naturally become. More on this in another news letter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is a good balance between fruits and vegatables? Seems like the fruit has far too much sugar for the "asverage" diet. What do you think?