"It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise" (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Many people have said to me, how can you do a cleanse? I could never do that. Lots say things like I could never give up coffee or chocolate or meat. Anyone can do what they set their mind on and what they make a priority. Isn't everyone's health a priority? Each day of my 11 days so far, my goal is to be mindful of what I eat. From completing two 2-week cleanses in the past already, I have learned that I can feel full and feel great if I eat the right foods for my body. Everybody is different and that is part of the wonderful self-discovery when you cleanse.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
cleanse day 8-9 Amy
Hi - I have been feeling amazing. My clothes are fitting better and I have lots of energy. I am finding so many foods that I love, I can't fit them in all in one day! I made a delicious quinoa recipe - basicly its quinoa with black beans, tomatoes and cilantro with a garlic and olive oil drizzle. Back to the high energy effect. I want to talk about exercise while on the cleanse. I find that if I am working out, I definitely need to eat 2 smaller meals plus 2 JOOS that day. In addtion, I need to drink alot of water. It is very important to know your body and its needs. Channel 5 Boston had a recent report on juice cleanses -they were reporting about the type of cleanses that only promotes juice drinks, no food. It is important to remember that the JOOS cleanse allows a great deal of food, it just elimates very common allergens, like wheat and dairy. The JOOS cleanse enables you to discover what makes your body feel good - exercise and eating healthy!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
cleanse day 5-7 - Amy
I faced some everyday life challenges while on the cleanse. Day 5 was Friday and I went to CT for a family baby shower. I meant to bring my JOOS for breakfast and forgot. I was great anyway and had a banana w/peanut butter and a grapefruit for breakfast. The challenge was at the shower. I did not plan correctly - I forgot to bring some nuts and fruit for my car ride and to snack on before the shower. The shower was lovely, except extremely unhealthy - everything had a cheese ingredient! I felt like a pain, but asked the caterer to set aside some greens before she tossed the salad with cheese and croutons. A plate of greens and some fruit does not cut it for me! I was starving by the time I traveled back to MA. I came home for dinner and went out with my family and friends. I had an amazing salad with peanuts and seared tuna and felt better. Although I felt I went "off track", I feel that I made the most healthiest and mindful choices I could. I am back drinking my JOOS and feel better already! I am looking forward to my delivery tomorrow to start my week off right!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
cleanse day 4 - Amy
Good Evening- I had a great day. I had a very challenging workout and at the end felt more energized than ever. I was ready to train for another hour! I received my JOOS Bites-they are so delicious. 2 Bites and a JOOS is a filling breakfast. Since I worked out today, I did have 2 small meals. I had my 2nd JOOS around noon then I had a small bowl of veggies and brown rice mixed with vegan pesto. The pesto is amazing - www.linabellaspesto.com. My husband found it downtown at a farmer's market and thought of me b/c I love pesto, but am lactose intolerant. I have been diagnosed with IBS and have just begun to learn what foods don't upset my stomach. My first JOOS cleanse was extremely eye opening. I was hesitiant because of my stomach issues. Because the cleanse doesn't allow dairy, I thought it would be great for me. It was, but I also learned that wheat bloats me if I eat too much. I also learned that I feel better when I eat a healty diet. My non-cleanse diet protein source is mostly fish, tofu, eggs and chicken. After my first cleanse, I lost the taste for red meat. I could eat a bite of steak, but never order it at a restaurant. In the past, I loved going to a steak house because I thought it was a safe choice for my lactose issue. Now, I am much smarter on how I order in restaurant. The JOOS cleanse is really about getting to know your own body and being mindful of what you eat every day. My motto is junk in-junk out.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
cleanse day 3 - Amy
For me, doing the JOOS cleanse forces me to be mindful of everything I put into my mouth. I am constantly telling my kids to "make the right food choices" and I am now thinking about that motto all day. I have also realized how food obsessed I am - I am always thinking about my next meal! Doing the cleanse is very easy and I may even be eating more than usual in some cases! Today I had a JOOS for breakfast and lunch. I snacked on dried figs, an apple and some Mary's Crackers, tomatoes and red peppers and hummos. Red peppers and chickpeas are a power snack - the vitamin C in the peppers helps release the iron in the chickpeas into the blood cells. For dinner I ate grilled asparagus, zuccini and eggplant over brown rice. I ate a few raspberries for dessert. Lots of delicious food, and I feel great.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
cleanse day 2 - Amy
Being a mom of 2 boys, ages 9 and 11, I am constantly on the go to all the various sports and activites. We are beginning to get adjusted to our new Fall schedule. Evenings are very difficult for us all to sit down together for a healthy meal. I find that it just takes a little planning and it becomes very easy to make healthy choices. I always have fresh fruit and veggies cut up and ready for the kids' snacks after school. Starting the cleanse has been great timing for me. I have done 2 cleanses before and each one has helped me discover new, healthy recipes and foods that I may have never tried. Taking some time to browse the organic section in your favorite market or visiting Whole Foods opens an entire new world of flavorful, healthy and organic foods. I chose to do this 3rd cleanse not because I wanted to lose weight(I am thin), but to "reboot" my body for the new season. The cleanse makes me feel more balanced and more energized. I believe in the JOOS product so much, that I decided to work for the company.
Monday, September 20, 2010
cleanse day 1- Amy
Today was my first day of my 21 day cleanse.I feel great. I ate a banana with natural peanut butter, an apple and a few almonds and drank 2 JOOS. I drank a TON of water also. I have a pitcher filled with lemon water in my fridge at all times. Everytime I was in the car, I made sure I had a water bottle with me. I know where all the restrooms are in my carpool radius!For dinner, I enjoyed my stir fry. My biggest challenge is after dinner when I crave a sweet. I had a piece of gum tonight!
Gluten-free can be very easy...

People are constantly asking me for gluten free meal/snack suggestions. Trader Joe's does an excellent job at providing a full range of gluten-free, competitively priced products, as seen in this link:
I am currently hooked on the Rice and Bean Chips with Adzuki Beans with the Lentil Masala dip (found in the hummus section). This makes a quick, delicious, satiating meal for us parents on the go.
I'd love to hear your gluten-free, healthy and delicious meal suggestions!
Gluten Free,
trader joes
Sunday, September 19, 2010
JOOS Cleanse-prep day by Amy Emerman
Tomorrow I will begin my cleanse, a 21 day journey to a better me. After an amazing summer of great weather and lots of indulgences, I feel that now is the time to cleanse. Today I prepared a stirfry of greenbeans,spinach,tomatoes,mushrooms,peppers,chick peas,black beans and garlic with a dash of Thai Chili sauce. I also made some brown rice. I plan on eating the veggies and brown rice for dinner for the next few nights. I have done two 2 week cleanses before and have felt great after. The cleanse gets me back on track physically and mentally. I am looking forward to the next 3 weeks.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Feeling Irritable, tired, uptight and/or stressed? Could be because you're not nourishing your body properly...

Do you feel irritable, tired, uptight or stressed? If you are, chances are that you're not nourishing your body properly with breath and nutrients.
The purpose of breathing is to bring oxygen into our cells with the inhale and depose waste or carbon dioxide on the exhale. The problem is that most of us do not breathe properly.
Watch a baby breathe. Their belly expands fully on the inhale and contracts fully on the exhale. Do you do that? If not, you may be feeling any of those negative emotions I mentioned above.
Likewise with food, are you eating acidic and processed foods or highly alkaline foods the way our ancestors did? While some of the acidic foods may give you quick doses of energy, like coffee, ultimately we end us crashing if our bodies are not properly nourished.
The purpose of the JOOS Cleanse is to kick start sustainable healthy eating habits so that you will feel energetic, centered and focused. In the process, you will return to your ideal body weight.
The problem for many of us is that we're looking for the quick fix because we've become accustomed to having everything at our finger tips. Well, easy come, easy go. You must be truly committed and patient about embarking upon this journey as a process to achieve the desired results. It is also about what Oprah says, "give more love" to yourself.
What are you waiting for? Call us today to embark on your journey to a healthier life.
Feeling Off Balance, Lack of Energy? Time to JOOS Cleanse!

The JOOS Cleanse is very different than most other cleanses in several ways, including:
1. We are a non starvation/non deprivation program.
2. As part of the cleanse, you will be assigned a lifestyle counselor who will support you, give you guidance and provide tips how to come off the cleanse.
3. We do not add extra water or other sweeteners to our JOOS.
4. JOOS is made from 100% organic fruits and vegetables.
5. JOOS is competitively priced.
6. As part of the JOOS Cleanse, you receive unlimited email support.
7. Each week that you're on the JOOS Cleanse, we will deliver to you a package of our joosbites. Our delicious, nutritious, vegan, gluten-free muffins.
8. We deliver fresh, organic JOOS daily to a network of JOOS depots in health clubs and yoga studios.
JOOS Cleanse
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Has your child lost his/her communication skills to texting? Solution: Young Broadcasters

Young Broadcasters of America teaches generation text (specifically 10-18) how to talk using TV broadcast skills and training.
YBA offers after school and weekend workshops for young people, and work with aspiring professionals on their... oral communication skills. They produce weekly programs that stream live on the Internet including Back Talk, a sports talk show for kids, and BTE-an entertainment news program, and this fall Back Talk Teen- a Sunday evening talk show for HS teens.
For more information:
Plus, I have to say, Jimmy is truly one of the world's nicest guy.
I'd love to hear your strategies how to improve your children's communication skills
Monday, September 6, 2010
Do you have a fixed or growth mindset and why is that so important?

Back to school and what better time to recommend Carol Dweck's enlightening book, Mindset.
Our mindset creates our whole mental world and drives every part of our lives, from relationships to parenting.
If you have the fixed mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities are set in stone-either you have them or you don't. You must prove yourself over and over, trying to look smart and talented at all costs. This is the path of stagnation. If you have a growth mindset, however, you know that talents can be developed and that great abilities are built over time. This is the path of opportunity - and success.
How about you? What type of mindset do you have and, more importantly, what type of mindset are you teaching your children?
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