Please tell me if this is you - or similar to you?
We wake up in the morning in a rush. We run to Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Maybe a muffin? We rush around all day with scheduled activities to work out, take our dog to be groomed, business meetings, etc. We may grab a quick snack during the morning, but is it nutritious or is it some processed, fortified bar? A donut?
Maybe a salad for lunch? A piece of pizza? A lunch with friends where we order the lightest item on the menu to show that we're watching our weight?
By the afternoon, we're so tired from running around and not eating enough - or not consuming the most nutritious foods - that we're flat out of energy and then what do we do? Another coffee? Another sweet?
For dinner, we're famished so we binge. Forget portion control. Inevitably, something happened during the day that disturbed us so we emotionally sneak in an extra cookie, and then, in anger or frustration that we consumed the first, we eat another.
If we've had a drink or two to loosen up our senses, where does that lead? Free fall. Forget about mindful eating at that point.
We go to bed and what happens to that big dinner we just ate? It sits around all night long in our bellies fermenting because we haven't had time to allow it to digest properly.
We wake up in the morning feeling nauseous (wonder why?) with no appetite, except for that coffee and we wonder why we feel groggy? Irritable? We wonder why we keep that weight on despite that we're not eating that much?

Try this, even if it's just for 3 days:
Plan a night that you're not going to eat anything after 4 PM. I promise, you'll survive.
The next morning, hopefully you'll wake up hungry. Eat something healthy that will sustain you: a bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of fruit or a healthy muffin (e.g., joosbites). If you crave your coffee, go for it, but have it after you eat something nutritious and satiating.
Yes, of course, drink your JOOS. That's your insurance policy that you're consuming enough nutrients. That's why JOOS is so satiating.
For lunch, go for it. No wimpy salads with high calorie dressings, unless you feel just having a salad will satiate you. Instead, have a meal! What does that look like? A starch (make it the size of your fist), a protein and tons of vegetables. Maybe you want a small dessert afterwards (but please, nothing with high fructose corn syrup). That's what people eat for lunch all over the world! They eat salad before or after the meal. You can do that, too.
By dinner, you shouldn't be hungry if you've consumed a big enough lunch. If you are hungry, you will know to eat a bigger lunch the next day. At dinner, though, eat a small meal. This is when you can have just a salad.
Going to a restaurant for dinner? You can still order what you want, but WATCH YOUR PORTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not eat anything 2 hours before you go to bed.
Try this for 3 days and see how you feel. I'd love to hear!
We would love to support you on your road to a more fulfilling lifestyle, which means, in part, to stop the bingeing and learn sustainable healthier eating habits.