My daughter, Julia, sent me this picture this morning. She wrote, "I hope this makes you smile, Mommy." It did, but then I took another glimpse at the picture and saw an even bigger hidden meaning: We are a product of how we view ourselves. If we view ourselves as heavy and fat, we are. If we view ourselves as jolly, that's what we are. My boyfriend, Bill, of 5 1/2 years, may kill me for writing this, but he is on the, let's say, more jolly side. He is the biggest epicurean I know. He absolutely loves being social and eating. Knock on wood, he's as solid as an ox. Seriously, he's never sick or injured. Everyone knows him for his sense of humor. Often I half joke and say, "how am I going to get this JOOS business off the ground when you look like like this?" Then I think again what life is truly about: it's not about how fat or thin we are, it's about how we view ourselves and how much laughter we bring into our lives. A good sense of humor can go a very long way...and even can cure illness and disease.