Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here's Another Incredibly Easy Meal to make

I just had a delicious and nutritious meal that I wanted to share with you because it literally took 3 minutes to make:

1/4 package Trader Joe's Steamed Six Bean Medley
1/2 cup organic brown rice (or any grain)
Heat up in 2 tbsp Trader Joe's Eggplant Garlic Spread


It's filling because it's nutrient dense and loaded with fiber.

I recommend to drink a lot of water after the meal.

Please continue to share your recipes.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Please Contribute Your Healthy and Cleansing Recipes!

Many of you have been asking me to share very easy, cleansing recipes.. And, while I have a few recipes to share, I'm sure you do, too.

My thought is to compile a "cookbook" with our favorite recipes. As part of the book, we can include an index with your name, occupation, contact info. and a short bio, and, if you'd like we can place your name beside your contributed recipes. This is for all of us so I really hope you'll contribute!

Here's my first very simple and highly nutritious Power Salad recipe:

Romaine lettuce (or other dark, leafy green) and other raw veggies
A handful of grated dulse (a sea vegetable that is alkalizing and nutritious)
A handful of Brewer's Yeast (high in protein and fermented, which is good for our intestines)
Sautéed tempeh (also high in protein and fermented)

Mix together a high quality balsamic (or apple cider) vinegar with olive oil, mustard and crushed garlic.
Add raw pine nuts (optional)
Mix the salad into the dressing

Notice that I didn't add proportions to this one, but I recommend not to be shy with the olive oil.

I look forward to hearing your ideas. Post them to the blog!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Take Responsiblity for your health and actively prevent disease and illness!

How many of us are taking responsibility for our health? Do we take a passive approach and let illness happen, then go to the doctor and ask him/her to treat it with medicine, or do we take action to prevent it from happening in the first place? If you are on a diet that is high in processed and acidic foods and low in fruits and vegetables, you are putting incredible strain on your immune system. Chances are, you are a prime candidate for illness.

It is impossible to avoid hearing news these days about the flu, breast cancer and so many other illnesses. I invite you to take charge of you life. Load your system with highly rich nutrient dense foods!!

Here’s a simple test to see if you’re getting enough fruits and vegetables: take a sip of JOOS, one of the most nutrient dense foods/beverages anywhere! If you can’t tolerate it, chances are that your system is highly acidic and you are a prime candidate for disease and illness.

One of the best ways to prevent disease and illness and to put your system on track is to do the Mission JOOS Cleanse. The results of people who have participated have been overwhelmingly successful. Plus, there’s the added benefit of weight loss if this is one of your goals.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A quick, nutritious and delicious meal idea

I wanted to give you an idea just how easy this cleanse can be, even when you feel like you’re constantly on the run and have no time. I just had a dinner of quinoa (that I made a big batch of 3 days ago in my rice cooker) with Trader Joe’s Eggplant Garlic Spread. This spread was so good that I had it on a couple more Mary’s Gone Crackers. So delicious and I’m stuffed! Moreover, it took me all of 3 minutes to make. Make certain to wash it down with lots of water.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boost your metabolism

In keeping with our theme to boost our metabolism and relieve stress and tiredness, I invite you to do just 10 minutes of cardio every morning when you wake up using the diaphragmatic breathing we discussed in last week’s newsletter. Exercising in the morning stimulates your metabolism and the diaphragmatic breathing enables you to exercise more efficiently; therefore, you’re actually getting more from your work out.

Here is a brief review of diaphragmatic breathing: Put your hand on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Your diaphragm should extend (expand). Then take a deep exhale and your diaphragm should contract (move in). Do not open your mouth. The 10-minute exercise could involve a brisk walk, rebounder, exercise bike, elliptical, anything to get your heart moving.

Make sure to try this at least once a day and let us know how you feel after a week.